Affirmation: I Love Surprises

affirmations Dec 04, 2021

Surprises delight me. Extraordinary events add more color and meaning to my life. Unexpected twists increase my learning. I pay more attention to situations that catch me off guard.


Surprises make me laugh. I enjoy a witty joke or the antics of my children.


Surprises give me more ways to share my blessings with others. Gifts and compliments are even more delightful when they come out of nowhere. I gave my neighbor half the strawberries I bought on sale or told the mail carrier that they did a great job.


I read novels and visit art museums. I am captivated by stories and images that challenge my imagination.


I travel to unfamiliar places. I drive the scenic route home from the office. I research exotic vacation spots.


I reach out to someone who I would usually overlook. I make a new friend when I chat with a stranger on the bus. I feel friendlier towards a coworker after we collaborate on redecorating our cubicles.


I respond differently to the same old triggers. When I find myself repeatedly arguing with my spouse about our budget or struggling to lose that last 10 pounds, I experiment with a different approach. I might succeed by offering to spend less on manicures or walking an extra 10 minutes each day.


Today, I ask life to surprise me. I want to be amazed. I enjoy breaking out of my usual routine and trying something out of the ordinary.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How does letting go of past expectations make me more open to surprises?
  2. What is one thing that others would be surprised to know about me?
  3. How can I plan a pleasant surprise for someone I love?


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