Affirmation: I Develop More Patience with Myself and Others Daily

affirmations Feb 22, 2020

My tolerance for myself and others grows each day as I release unrealistic expectations, and develop patience.


I am accepting and forgiving of myself. I continue to have more patience daily by simply living in the present and letting go of the impossible. My acceptance and leniency of others have increased as well by releasing expectations I place on them.


If I create impossible expectations for myself or others, I set us all up for failure. Having extreme expectations is my mind's effort to control the uncontrollable. By releasing the need to control, I can let go of my expectations and be myself.


I focus, instead, on facing what develops in my life from a fresh viewpoint. I am ready for all life brings my way without setting limitations. Concentrating on appreciating the journey permits me to be more understanding and accepting and, therefore, more loving and thoughtful. In this way, I can enhance my love for myself and others.


Today I concentrate on living in the moment. Life will unfurl around me as it does every day, but today, I take pleasure in every moment with a sense of wonder and peace.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Have I created unrealistic expectations for myself?
  2. Have I created expectations for others?
  3. How can I focus on living my life at the moment?

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