Affirmation: I am Self-Reliant and Hold Realistic Expectations of Others

affirmations May 09, 2020

As I awaken, I am thankful for the new day and confident in managing the duties I must do today. I efficiently handle my work and home life so that both run smoothly.


I have a feeling of satisfaction, knowing that I can succeed on my own. My self-reliance gives me independence and permits me to live a life corresponding to my principles.


I am making it on my own, so I maintain reasonable expectations of others.


If I need something fixed at my house, I hire a professional rather than burdening my friends. I appreciate that everyone has families and responsibilities. Everyone deserves downtime.


I know that my responsibilities are mine alone. I trust myself to get the job completed effectively because I am confident in my success. I prosper through my hard work and take accountability for my life choices.


Because I am self-reliant and appraise each situation with a strong dose of levelheadedness, I am more contented than ever! It is not easy to disappoint me because I frequently remind myself to expect only what others can and should give me!


Today, I celebrate my accomplishments. I take the time to consider each victory, and those victories fuel my confidence. I have a fondness for acknowledging others. I set my outlooks on others at realistic levels.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Can I rely on myself in most situations to provide for my needs?
  2. Will I set myself up for disappointment by expecting too much from others?
  3. How will I learn to set more realistic expectations?

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