Affirmation: I Say - Guilt Does Not Get in the Way of Enjoying my Blessings

affirmations Sep 04, 2021

Each day presents many things for me to be thankful for in my life. I acknowledge my blessings and remind myself that it is okay to enjoy them.


When I consider how wonderful my friends and family members are, I am amazed at how fortunate I am to have them. Their presence in my life deserves to be celebrated.


My employer acknowledges my efforts by giving generous rewards. Although some co-workers may miss out on the opportunity, I still embrace the gesture extended to me.


I am satisfied with my contribution to my organization and feel deserving of the kind recognition. Although I remain humble, I allow myself to show pride in my accomplishments.


I realize that I have little control over what comes my way. When someone chooses to extend a blessing to me, I accept it with an open heart.


It is a blessing to be in the thoughts of another person. It means that I display attributes that leave an impression.


Guilt does not make an appearance when I am recognized because I know that I am deserving of goodness in life.


Today, it is with happiness and joy that I embrace my blessings. My openness to good things leads to the positivity that carries me through challenging times. Even when I am unaware of the reason for the blessings, I must gladly accept them.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How can I be a blessing in the lives of others?
  2. How do I show my colleagues that their efforts are appreciated?
  3. How can accepting my blessings help me get through difficult times?


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