Affirmation: I Think Winning Fairly Provides a Great Sense of Accomplishment

affirmations Aug 28, 2021

Success is most meaningful when I achieve it fairly. I feel a great sense of triumph when I succeed while sticking to my morals. It is twice as significant as winning by whatever means.


I look forward to competing for promotions and other opportunities at work. My competitors are worthwhile and deserve a fair challenge. I commit to providing that environment.


While others are downplaying the abilities of their competitors, I do not take that approach. My approach is to showcase their strengths while elevating my performance. That ensures the environment remains positive.


Competing with tough participants motivates me to give it my all. I evaluate their strengths and work towards improving upon them for my performance.


When playing soccer, I avoid seeking favors from referees when I am falling behind. That approach portrays me as a sore loser. Instead, I perform to my best ability and push myself to catch up to my opponents.


I choose opponents who automatically compel me to boost the level at which I participate. I prefer to prevail over those persons than others whose skills I know I can surpass.


Victory resulting from a fair competition continues to push me. I feel I am honoring my true self when I take part fair and square. My conscience is clear after any challenge because I choose to give it my honest, full effort.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Do I react if someone challenges the honor of my strategies?
  2. How do I feel after surrendering victory to someone who competes unfairly?
  3. What lesson do I take from each success I can secure for myself?

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