6 Simple Ways to Simplify Your Life

personal development Nov 24, 2020

When you are stressed out and cannot find a moment of peace for yourself, you probably need to simplify your life.  We often make our life more complicated than it needs to be, so if we turn it down a notch and make matters simpler, our stress levels will decrease rapidly, and our life will be much more enjoyable. 


We often think everything is of equal importance in our lives, but there are some great ways to evaluate what matters to gain a new perspective on life.


6 Simple Ways to Simplify Your Life


  1. Determine what is essential. Make a list of all activities you have going on in your life right now. It would help if you looked at the first four or five and made sure that you put most of your energy into these things. It is the first four or five factors in your life, like your family, relationship, or work, that ought to get the most emphasis on a day-to-day basis. Once you make this list, it is a whole lot easier to see where you are devoting most of your time (and where you should be devoting more time).


  1. Reconsider your commitments.  Many times women over-commit themselves. You should examine the "extras" in your life and see how they align with the most important things.  When there are things that you are committed to doing that you do not enjoy or do not increase value to your life, think about giving them up. You can cut stress and make your life more relaxed when you release yourself from commitments that are only tying you down.


  1. Say no.  When we are stressed, we are stressed because we do not know how to say no to the folks in our lives. Saying no to family, friends, and even the boss is essential. I realize it can be hard to say no, but you can say no with grace - or delegate the request to some other capable person. When you are finding it difficult to stay firm, remember that you are not a superwoman. You can not possibly take on the world by yourself!


  1. Simplify your work.  Every day when you are at work, you likely have a 10-page to-do list. In reality, some things are not all that important and are not worth the effort. And yes, there will be some items that you will never get around to getting done. That is okay! Accept that fact and reevaluate your activities to determine what is essential and do away with the rest.


  1. Involve the family.  There is always as much to do at home as there is at the workplace. Make your family your team and include them in the home activities. Get everyone engaged in the little tasks around the house, such as taking out the garbage, dusting, and doing the dishes. For instance, you can require that each family member pick up 20 things around the house before going to bed. That way, cleaning the house is a lot less involved, and you can spend more time resting instead of worrying about every little task around the home.


  1. Clear the clutter.  At home and in your office, there are undoubtedly a lot of things cluttering the room. Everything must have its own spot – even if it is in the trash!  When you clear the clutter from your area, you will find that cleaning, locating items, and basically going about your daily life is a lot easier and a whole lot less stressful.


As you can see, simplifying your life does not have to be complicated. You need to get back to basics and do away with everything else. Living a simple life is living a happier, less stressed life, which we can all aspire to do.

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