4 Powerful Benefits of the Mini-habit

life coaching Dec 03, 2020

If you have not heard of mini-habits, you are in for a treat. Imagine making only minor changes in your life and still managing to create impactful and meaningful change.


The mini-habit is just as it sounds like – it is the principle that doing many small things will ultimately lead to something amazing. Think, for instance, of what would happen if you only read a couple of news articles every day? Before you know it, you would have achieved the goal of becoming more knowledgeable and better able to carry out discussions about current events.


Mini-habits do not stop there, though. Not only can your mini-habit alter how you get things done, but they influence your mind and body as well. Read on to uncover the powerful benefits of a mini-habit.


  1. Mini-habits build an atmosphere of success. By setting small goals, you are much more prone to meet them. So instead of telling yourself that you will return every phone call promptly, you concentrate on timely returning the next phone call. That takes off the huge expectations that continuously felt so daunting in the past. Expectations left you with a feeling of failure when you could not quite make it. What is even nicer is that meeting those small goals gets you to a place where you begin to expect success, which leads to the mindset that will generate that success you are expecting.


  1. Mini-habits change how you perceive your capabilities. By achieving mini-goals, you begin to appreciate that you do have the ability and power to complete things. Your confidence grows. You gain a better, more positive perception of your abilities.


  1. Mini-habits rediscover motivation. Sometimes motivation is tough to come by and gets used up quickly. That is why mini-habits are essential, as they do not rely on motivation to accomplish things. They grow from willpower. Then as you accomplish those goals, you start to feel the energy of that success, which creates motivation to keep going.


  1. Mini-habits create a series of changes that you will carry with you your entire life. Mini-habits done daily will build up those more significant habits that you have been trying to build all along. Starting with a single push-up every day creates almost as a by-product that habit of daily exercise that appeared so daunting not all that long ago.


Mini-Habits not only transform how we do things but transform how we think and act. By creating a practice of following mini-habits, you will affect some significant change.


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