4 Easy Ways to Rise from Discouragement and Feel Better About Yourself

personal development Jun 23, 2020

Life is not always what you expect it to be. When the results you hope for do not come to fruition, you can sometimes question your self-worth and abilities. It is easy to fall into that trap of discouragement.


The good news is that you can get out of that gloomy mood!


Whenever you are down in the dumps, you must take action to start feeling better about yourself. Dwelling on the negative and remaining in a depressed state is unhealthy. After a while, you will feel like you are moving backward instead of forward. This makes it challenging to get back to a positive mindset.


Try these easy tips to restore your belief in you:


  1. Reflect on past successes. If you are honest with yourself, you will realize that you have enjoyed many successes in the past.
  • Reflect on how great you felt when you earned something you worked extremely hard to achieve.
  • Consider your impact on your peers when you accomplished something they would have loved to complete themselves.
  1. Know that you are uniquely created. You have a special blend of talents, abilities, personality, appearance, and purpose that differs from everyone else.


Psalms 139:14 – “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.”


There is no one else like you, which is wonderful!

  • Remember times in the past when you came up with your solution to a challenge that made things better for you or those around you.
  • Since you are the only person like you around, why not focus on your unique abilities and put those to work to evoke positive change in your life? Setting your new ideas in motion will go a long way toward restoring your self-confidence.
  1. Do something you are good at. A sure way to boost your feelings about yourself is to do something you already know you are good at. Even small successes are a great way to build reassurance and focus on the positive.
  • It is okay to need that self-reassurance from time to time. It is a challenging time in a tough world, and it is easy for outside influences to dampen your drive. Remind yourself that you are a star in a part of the sky where nobody else shines quite as brightly.
  • Proving to yourself that you can do something often gives you just enough motivation to get past that rough patch.
  1. Make someone else feel special. Making a positive impact on someone else's life is one of the most empowering and uplifting experiences you can have!


Acts 20:35 – “I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

  • Try volunteering at a local agency that helps those less fortunate than you. So many lives need a caring touch. Taking the opportunity to help them will make you feel much more worthy.
  • Encouraging another person who lacks self-esteem can bring inner satisfaction that allows you to see your true purpose. You may sometimes forget about your hardships because you focus on helping someone else overcome theirs.


Try not to dwell on the negative feelings you might have about yourself. Instead, celebrate all the great qualities you have inside and share those with the world. Take the time to reflect on your blessings, and you will begin to see how awesome and special you are.

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