3 Simple Ways to Boost Confidence Now

personal development Nov 03, 2020

I have been coaching ladies for a few years. The biggest thing I have learned, both for my clients and myself, is that the key to it all is inner confidence. 

There are multiple strategies, ways of thinking, patterns of behavior, and practical tips for improving your life and feeling better about yourself. But they are redundant if the foundation is not stable. That foundation is your genuine self, the you that deep down you know you are. The secret is that it takes confidence to find that foundation and bring out the real you.


Three steps to confidence you can take today:


  1. Understand your values


Personal values are a big passion, and I often get carried away when I talk about them. I make no apology for that, though. They are one of the most important things you can know about yourself and are vital in getting genuine inner confidence.

Your values are right at the very core of who you are. They are building blocks, cornerstones, and foundations. A value is something in you, others, or the most valuable world to you and could include respect, progress, family, fun, nature, achievement, or freedom.


Why do some people and situations leave you feeling angry, frustrated, demotivated, or deflated? It is because one or more of your values is being denied, suppressed, or repressed. We feel that as a negative experience because it denies a fundamental piece of who you are.

You know those times when you have felt alive? Those are times when one or more values are honored, and you can get more of that feeling by living in harmony with them.


Your values are all yours. No matter what happens throughout your life, no one can ever take your values away. You can have complete confidence in them because they are always there, just waiting for you to spot them and use them.

Once you become aware of your values, you can make choices and align your life around them. It is so simple, and it feels fantastic because all that means is that you are letting who you are live in the real world.


  1. Trust in yourself


Women spend too much time looking for signs that they are doing the right thing or are on the right path. Sometimes we get that by hearing that we are doing well at work, sometimes it could be support from a friend or loved one, and sometimes we get that feedback by seeing our material wealth or possessions growing.


Rather than looking outside for signs, how about looking on the inside at what you tell yourself? How about relying on yourself to do the best things and make great choices? How about relying on your insights and using your intuition?

I have seen those ideas scare women. Do you know why they get scared? Because it renders you accountable and responsible for what you get. If you trust yourself implicitly and make the wrong choice, you have no one else to blame.


We have all made and will continue to make mistakes. What would it be like if you trusted yourself to get through everything? And trusted yourself to make choices that serve you well – even if sometimes you mess up? That is the kind of trust I am talking about, and that is genuine deep confidence.


Start by listening to yourself. Notice what your intuition tells you. Be aware of that little voice inside your head or those gut reactions you get. Pay attention to what they tell you. Trust yourself to make decisions. Trust yourself to adapt. Trust that you are good enough to have, do or be whatever you want. Real confidence will result.


  1. Exercise that muscle


Think of confidence as a muscle. Like all your other muscles, you need to exercise confidence so that it does not wither away. The trouble is that unlike your biceps or abs, your confidence muscle is sometimes tougher to find.

How can you develop your biceps or firm up your abs? Do exercises designed to work that muscle over some time until you see the results you were looking to achieve.


It is just the same with confidence. Let's say that you are the kind of person that does not take many risks, the type of person who goes through each day doing what needs to be done and doing it well, but not stretching yourself.

You may talk yourself out of accomplishing something because it is too scary or because you think to yourself, 'I'm not good enough,' 'that's not who I am' or 'I don't want it anyway.' That kind of woman lives within what they know and what keeps them safe and comfortable. The less risk they take, the less confident they need to be, but the less sure they also will become.


To work your confidence muscle, you need to be prepared to take risks – big or small. It would help if you were inclined to extend yourself in unfamiliar directions, try something new, or try something with a slightly different approach. You need to open yourself up to the possibilities around you and push yourself to increase what you know, what you do, and who you are.

The more open you are to risk, opportunity, and possibility, the more confident you need to be, and so the more confidence you will develop. That is your confidence muscle – the question is, what are you going to do to exercise it?"


To learn more about Life Coach for Ladies or see if we would be a good team in navigating your transformational track, contact me today. I would love to get you on the path to inner healing, reaching your goals, and living your most successful life.

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