Affirmation: I Keep My Composure Even In Heated Situations

affirmations Oct 17, 2020

I maintain my composure and respond gracefully in heated situations. I am sometimes faced with enraging problems, but reacting negatively would only worsen the situation.


The circumstance that I find myself in is less critical than how I respond to it. I can only control my behaviors. I have tons of life experience under my belt. So, I developed the necessary maturity to hold myself together in tough situations.


Occasionally, when the situation gets too heated, I find it safest to walk away. I prefer to be the bigger person and react in a calm, cool, collected way. By walking away from a situation before it gets out of control, I have time to gain y composure and diffuse my emotions.


One more method I like to use is simply kindness. As an adage says, "you can attract more flies with honey than you can with vinegar."


This reaction may upset those who love to argue. But I do not have time in my life for drama. So, I instantly detachment myself from these kinds of people. I can make new friends with similar personalities to mine.


Today, I diffuse the fire and walk away. A fire cannot grow without fuel, and I prefer to save my energy for productive tasks.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. Do I enjoy arguing with other people?
  2. Do I release steam on people who are undeserving of it?
  3. How will I keep my composure in a heated situation?


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