Flexibility Will Make You Successful

life coaching Jan 07, 2021

Have you heard the phrase: “Going with the flow.” It signifies allowing yourself to drift from one situation to another without rhythm or purpose.

That is the absolute opposite of being goal-oriented.

But, a little fluidity can make things work effectively. As you set goals, you want to be flexible and accommodate life changes while having your eyes on your prize.


Every woman has her meaning of success in the same way that everyone has unique dreams for their life. It is not sufficient to identify what prize you are targeting. Ingenuity is key to productive goal setting. Allow yourself to dream, explore, and visualize options.

Whether personal, career, or business, success depends on achieving meaningful goals. There can be countless different ways to cross a river, but you will find only a few, maybe even just one, suited to you. “Going with the flow” involves letting yourself go through flexible thinking and always looking around for the one method that suits you and works best for you.


The role of a Christian Life Coach in goal-setting:

  • Assist ladies in realizing business, career, and personal goals.
  • Empower ladies to live life on their terms.
  • Help ladies execute long-term changes.
  • Hold ladies to high Christian standards.
  • Identify what has held ladies back.
  • Keep ladies focused and on track.
  • Make individualized short and long-term plans to achieve chosen outcomes.
  • Provide processes and strategies that prepare ladies to reach objectives.
  • Serve as an accountability partner.


The great news is that goal attainment is a process, like construction or baking. Trust the process.


While the others are busy telling each other which boat to step into or arguing over environmentally-friendly manual propulsion systems like rowing versus the speed of engine-powered propulsion, you sit down beside the river and look around you at the bright morning.

You notice a footbridge over the river, just under that stand of willow trees.

While your peers are discovering there is no gas in their tanks, reading manuals, or knocking themselves flat trying to row, you stroll across the bridge, stopping to admire the view halfway over.

You reach the other side quickly, not even out of breath.

And you are off to meet your next goal.


Moral: When something is too intense, that can sometimes be a clue it is not suitable for you. Do not knock yourself flat trying to master it. Look for creative or drop-dead-easy ways to attain what you want to achieve or a way to go around it. 


Look for the alternative that no one else is seeing.

Sometimes, the right solution for you can turn out to be breathtakingly simple.

Think back on situations where you have accomplished something extraordinary in your life or business. Did you take the established path or find your way? How did you feel about your results?

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