Affirmation: I Accept People as They Are

affirmations Sep 19, 2020

Experiencing the variety of life invigorates me. The world is a more remarkable place because people offer a wonderful assortment of God-given personalities and perspectives.


I don’t believe people will mirror me because of the wonderful variety the world offers. I realize I don’t have to agree with everyone or be close friends with each person I encounter. This knowledge permits me to enjoy people for who they are.


Understanding the value of variety is essential to me. Looking at how I am unique from others helps me appreciate how unique and special I am. I also love to discover the extraordinary talents and abilities of others.


My approachable and accepting behavior rewards me. Being approachable has brought so much goodness into my life.


My life is enriched by variety. I benefit from new relationships and accept people as they are.


Cultivating new relationships offers me perspective and appreciation for views of others. I learn from people who have experiences distinct from my own. They teach me valuable lessons that I have not learned from my own life experiences.


Since I want others to accept me for who I am, I show others the same respect. I hope for people to be proud of the exceptionality they give to the world. The world is a more exciting place because we are all so different.


Appreciating the variety of the world brings me true happiness. I delight in differences my Creator so wisely brought into the world, and I am so thankful to be part of this incredible mixture.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. How do I make an effort to accept people as they are?
  2. How has someone positively influenced my thoughts or actions?
  3. I want others to recognize me for who I am. How do I also show others the same respect?


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