Make A Relationship Not A Bargain

spirituality May 10, 2020

 Sadly, some communities describe praying to God almost as a type of genie. If you say the correct words at the proper time, then voilà, God grants your wish! We act like we know what we need in this life if only he would respond to our demands.


This attitude misses the whole point of what prayer is and what its purpose is.


The problem with this tactic is that prayer is about fostering a relationship. A relationship with the Creator of Heaven and Earth. The One who knit every one of your cells together, who knows you more deeply than you know yourself (Psalm 139:13-14). A relationship with God in prayer, based on the vending machine principle, is inherently self-centered spirituality.


In healthy relationships, you have the freedom to say “yes” or “no” to someone’s request. You can say “yes” if you want to cook dinner this evening. You can say “no” if you would rather go out for dinner instead.


You have the beautiful gift of free choice. Yet many Christians do not feel this same freedom should be applied to their relationship with God. They feel as if God’s every answer to their prayers should automatically be “yes”.


God has undoubtedly invited us to offer him our prayers, which include the desires of our hearts, but these prayers are part of our relationship with him.


Our circumstances change for the better through prayer, but that is not the ultimate purpose of worship. Prayer shifts us. Prayer leads us to see our lives from a unique point of view. We are spiritually bankrupt without anything of value to bring Him.


Prayer leads us away from the self-centered way of living and toward the God-centered way of living. It is sad how some approach God on their terms to bargain with God in exchange for their desire.


As long as they feel spiritual, meditate, show up at religious events, live by a sense of right and wrong, and confess when they think they have messed up, they can expect a decent return on investment. They expect a big payback if they are very spiritual and put a lot into their excellent works. Just a little bit of effort, and they get a tiny, little corner in heaven.


But God is not this impersonal vending machine waiting for our selections. 


He knows what we would like, but more importantly, He understands what we need. If you expect God always to do what you want, when and how you want it, you are not pursuing a relationship with Him. You are seeking a transaction. This is dangerous ground and creates space for disappointment and disillusionment.




Life Coach for Ladies would also like to thank all the moms in our community.

Happy Mothers' Day!

Our Mother's Day prayer:  Thank you God for the extraordinary strength, patience, and dedication our mothers represented here and around the world show while doing more than their share for the Kingdom.  May they be blessed with overflowing love and respect for the effort they give every day.

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