Prayer Is Like A Normal Conversation, But Better

spirituality Mar 22, 2020

Conversations Start with Sharing

In many ways, women look at conversations as simply sharing. Perhaps you share how your day went with your kids, your husband, or even your pet. Maybe you share about a struggle you had with a co-worker or a funny event that occurred at school.


An active prayer life is essential to your spiritual well-being. Prayer is a conversation, so start with simply sharing. Talk to God about your day. Tell Him how you feel about events, whether good or bad.


Ask Him for what you need. Maybe that is knowledge to understand how to take the helm on a complicated project at work. Or perhaps you need strength to continue caring for a sick member of the family.


Pray with All Emotions 

We learn from how Jesus prayed in the middle of pain. He turned to God the Father. We can also turn to God during our struggles and pains. God waits to hear from us and listen to our prayers, just as He listened to Jesus’ prayers in the Garden at Gethsemane.


Jesus experienced real and raw human emotions. He understands, more than anyone, what it feels like to actually have the weight of the world on your shoulders. When we are in pain, we can remember that Jesus experienced pain and knows what it is like firsthand. We can also not forget to pray as Jesus did, turn our face to God, and cry out to Him.


Set aside some time every day, pray in good times and bad, and turn off distractions that compete for your God time. At first, it may not seem like God is listening to you. You may hear only silence, and it is tempting to believe that God is ignoring you or has forgotten you in the quiet.


But consider this: when you are genuinely listening to someone else, are you not silent? Do not you give the other person space to speak? You are not ignoring the other party. You have not forgotten them. You are simply respecting their right to speak.


It is the same concept with God. What you construe as a silent dismissal is God patiently coming closer to hear your words. He delights in hearing from you. He loves to listen when you speak.


“16 Rejoice evermore. 17 Pray without ceasing. 18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.“ - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 KJV


Your spiritual well-being will benefit from making your prayers a habit. While this Scripture might appear impossible to achieve, think about it like this, you are creating a lifestyle of worship. Praying will be more active, and you will feel deeper in your faith. You will be delighted you did, and your Heavenly Father will be too.

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