Get Organized for Better Time Management

personal development Dec 03, 2019

Every woman has areas of life where there is a lack of organization. Whether at home or the office, we misplace things and cannot find items when we need them because we are not orderly.


What happens when systems are not put into place?  What if an organizing system is not established? Well things get lost, chaos ensues, and you lose time looking for stuff! I have multiple businesses and do animal rescue. My schedule is nuts.


Now, more than ever, it is crucial for us to stay organized! Here are hacks for you that I use to keep myself and my businesses as organized as possible and I promise will save you time (and maybe a little sanity!) 


Being organized is a great help with time management. Declutter both home and office before attempting to tackle keeping organized and managing time better.


     1. Forget complicated systems.

Any systems you use for organizing that take a lot of time to keep up with are wastes of time. Remember, an organizational system improves your life, not detracts from it.

You can use minimal means like expandable folders to keep track of bills that need payment or projects that need completion. You can make use of a filing cabinet with hanging folders.

Do not overcomplicate the organization system. Purchase simple solutions and watch how they transform how you manage your time and act more productively.


     2. Do not fall into procrastination.

This is a huge problem for women from all walks of life. We do not like to do the things we do not like to do. It is as simple as that. No one wants to do complex jobs that seem dull.

We do not want to do the job that will take us five hours to complete when the sun is shining, and we would instead like to go to the beach or spend time with family.

Once you get the most difficult tasks over with, They are over, and you have that sense of satisfaction behind you. One of the major time management challenges is with paperwork.

If you have not switched to electronic file keeping, it can be easy to get overwhelmed and disorganized by the volume of documents. Since you do not want certain sensitive information stored online, you will keep that at home.

As you pick up essential paperwork, take care of it immediately. Put it where it needs to go. If something necessitates that you make a phone call before putting away that paperwork, put the paper in your desk inbox and put a note in your planner to schedule a time to make that call.


     3. Group similar items to save time - at your home.

For instance, when it comes to better home time management if you have to run errands, group all of the chores in the same neighborhood together. Try working it out so that you only have to deal with one errand day monthly.

Do banking, medication pickups, and post office needs on the same day. Driving is a significant leak in time management. And since you must pay attention to driving, you cannot do much else except maybe listen to a podcast.


     4. Group similar items to save time - at your office.

You can do the same thing when it comes to work tasks. Things done weekly can be arranged by days and according to the difficulty and length of the task.

When you know that you need to drop off something at someone’s office and you have a meeting, you can drop off the item while heading to the meeting. This also prevents wasted time talking when you have somewhere to be.


     5. Have calendars for home and office.

Put them someplace where you can see them daily. You can hang one on a wall or set one on your desk. The ones with large blocks that you can write appointments on work the best.

This way, you see your day at a glance and your week and month as well. The oversized calendars frequently work well for time management versus the small ones you have tucked in a desk drawer.

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