How to Easily Expand Your Comfort Zone

personal development Apr 20, 2020

What if I told you I would give you $1,000 to make a significant public speech? Would you take me up on the deal? Like most of us, you most likely recoiled at the idea right away, even though it may well be lucrative for you! Why didn't this idea appeal to you?


When the very notion of certain activities evokes fear or anxiety within you, it is because they are outside your comfort zone. Public speaking, for example, is outside most people's comfort zone.


Our comfort zone is the sphere of actions we feel comfortable with and can achieve with no negative emotions. It also consists of people, places, and things that bring about only positive thoughts within us.


How Important is this Comfort Zone?


A comfort zone may limit your capabilities and make you abandon your dreams and goals. Or, it can drive you on to great things. Your comfort zone can define both your personality and your promise for success.


Countless successful people achieve their goals because they can expand their comfort zone to get what they want.


Suppose you wish to expand your comfort zone. In that case, you can mentally condition yourself to be comfortable in new situations so you can conquer your anxiety, attain your goals, and realize your dreams.


Four tips you can apply to expand your comfort zone and help fight your anxiety about certain situations:


  1. Understand your mindset. Mental conditioning plays a significant part in evolving your comfort zone. This suggests that how we form our comfort zones starts in our minds.


Each of us already has predetermined notions of what may be comfortable and what may not be, and we choose mental guidelines to keep us within our comfort zone.


* You have chosen your comfort zone boundaries! Recognizing your constraints is the first step to being able to increase those boundaries.


  1. Challenge your self-imposed rules. If you intend to expand your comfort zone, you must let yourself loose from the rules you imposed on yourself. Breaking some of these rules will let you seek new experiences to bring you tremendous success!


  1. Consider the genuine risk of a situation. It is essential to know what the actual risks are instead of what you fear (or feel) might happen. Getting the distinction can empower you to conquer your limitations.


  1. Challenge yourself to step out of that comfort level. Many times, we women are our own worst enemies when it comes to boundaries and limitations. There are occasions when you have to force yourself to get where you want to be. In these cases, you must meet the challenge to leave your comfort zone.


* When stepping outside your comfort zone brings you success, you'll find that the benefits are well worth the effort!


Every time you attempt something for the first time, you are sure to be a little uncomfortable. We are all trained to fight change and live in our comfort zones. You may have to remind yourself that only you can drive yourself to step outside the box.


Be patient, be mindful of your self-imposed boundaries. Try things one small step after another. This way, your comfort zone will increase at a gradual, comfortable pace. And, your fears and anxieties will diminish as you gain positive experiences.


 “Father God, I ask You to lead me when I’m blinded by ways I have not known, along unfamiliar paths please guide me; Lord, turn the darkness into light before me and make the rough places smooth. I pray these are the things You will do; I know You will not forsake me. (Isa. 42:16).”  Beth Moore


Maintain the vision of your dreams! Increasing your comfort zone might be all that is required to accomplish your goals and live the life you dream of much sooner.

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