Christian Life Coaching

Christian Life Coaches help women realize their God-given potential and strive to be all that God wants them to become.

If you are ready to take action and create the outcomes you want, we offer life coaching programs to assist you in the process. Improve your performance and your results! Check out our transformational coaching services designed to accelerate your success.

We help women set, achieve, and surpass their goals.




Life Coaching involves a sequence of intentional discussions that empower a woman to get clarity and pursue her calling. Christian Life Coaching incorporates biblical principles and coaching skills. It is a movement toward a healthier faith-filled maturity instead of an unhealthy dependence on other things or people.

The primary difference between Life Coaching and consulting is that Life Coaching reveals solutions from within a woman, whereas consulting teaches external solutions. Consulting will help you discover what to do. Coaching helps you make a plan about how to do it.

Life Coaching is also more proactive, solution-focused, collaborative, and forward-oriented in terms of personal and professional growth than traditional counseling, therapy, and other mental health services.



Do you feel like something is holding you back from moving forward in life, but you do not know what it is? Our transformational track coaching curriculum is designed to produce maximum results in minimal time. We support you in developing and refining the skills you need to succeed. We will help you confront challenges head-on and develop a plan of action to overcome what has hindered you in the past.

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Our Coaching Clients Receive:

  • Personalized coaching curriculum designed for you
  • Weekly/ Monthly coaching sessions with a Board Certified Coach
  • Specific action-oriented assignments 
  • Direct email access to your coach
  • Confidential conversations with encouragement and accountability
  • And much, much more!

You are not alone. Every woman gets stuck in a rut at some point in their lives. Even the most successful people in the world feel unmotivated and confused, from time to time. There are times in life when the thing that we want most may seem so out of our reach, that no matter what we do, we just cannot seem to grasp it.

What do Princess Diana and Oprah Winfrey have in common? They used coaches. Even at the peak of their careers, great leaders continue to use coaches to help them achieve more. If you are ready to take action and create the outcomes you want, we offer coaching programs to assist you in the process. Improve your performance and your results!

Pursue a more focused level of intentional growth through our transformational trek coaching services. I spent many years of my life ignoring my intuition, covering my inner voice, and refusing to engage in God's calling on my life. But once I started on my transformational trek, my life changed in awesome ways. Today I am here for you. My team and I will help you understand and pursue your calling. 

To learn more about how you or your team can benefit from our customized coaching solutions click here.

Accelerating Your Success

All women define success differently. For some, it might be the ability to purchase a new car or take a fantastic vacation. For others, it might mean being able to provide for her family or having lots of free time to spend with them.

Success for some women is finding the strength to get dressed and go to work. Others may look for success by eating when they just feel like getting in bed. Or, others may be overeating because they have not found a way to cope with the pain and scars of life. 

If you live based on “would's, could's, and should's”, you won't be moving forward in life. Regret is an ugly beast. You can't go back and change the past, so why bother continuing to live there?

If you live in the past, you will fail to see all of the amazing opportunities God is presenting to you. If you dwell on what was you will never envision what can be. Oftentimes women are our own worst enemies. When we make mistakes, sometimes we carry them with us and end up staying chained to them.

No matter what your definition of success is, now there is a tool to accomplish it!

Coach Sandra shows you how to accelerate your success with an ingenious new system for maximized achievement:

  • Relationship Rewrite: love yourself, love others
  • Independence Initiative: coping and confidence
  • Self-Care System: mindfulness matters
  • Limitless Lifeflow: desires and dreams
  • Guiding Goals: big aspirations, big results

Before you can get unstuck, you need to understand what is holding you back from living your best life. You do not need to spend one more day stuck in your head.

Are you ready to learn how you can go from being in pain to being empowered and start moving forward in life?

Romans 12:2 "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

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Finally Feel Free, Girl: 90-Day Life on Fire Formula

One-on-One Coaching

Receive confidential, flexible, and personally tailored coaching in a  virtual 1-on-1 online Christian coaching environment.

Master your understanding of who you really are and how to transform your life from the inside out. Leave each coaching session with your own personalized action plan to move you toward your goals with clarity and focus.

Personalized 1:1 Coaching is done in 90-day increments. 

Pricing: Starts at $5999.00

Book a free Zoom call for waiting list Info
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Finally Feel Free, Girl: 90-Day Life on Fire Formula

Group Coaching

Receive support, accountability, rapid momentum, and ongoing motivation as everyone in the group works toward their individual goals.

It is about connection, communication, and community from you interacting with your coach and group members interacting with each other virtually.

Groups are held in 90-day increments. (Feb-Apr, May-Jul, Aug-Oct) May be waiting list.

Pricing: Starts at $3999.00

Book a free Zoom call for waiting list Info
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Finally Feel Free, Girl: 90-Day Life on Fire Formula

Self-Study Coaching

Receive self-paced programs of interest to you. These online courses teach strategies and frameworks for professional and personal growth, goal setting, and self-improvement. 

Motivation and fulfillment come from within you. Get unstuck, so you find your motivation and achieve that feeling of fulfillment.

Improve your quality of life. Develop skills to help you achieve your personal and professional goals. 

Prices vary with courses.

Book a free Zoom call for more Info

It is common for individuals to primarily focus on their own personality traits while disregarding the importance of comprehending other personality types. This lack of understanding can lead to difficulties building personally and professionally meaningful relationships.

By developing a deeper understanding of the various personality types and how they interact with each other, individuals can learn to communicate and collaborate more effectively. For example, someone highly analytical may struggle to work with someone more creative and spontaneous, but by recognizing and respecting these differences, they can find ways to complement each other's strengths and achieve their shared goals.

In short, gaining insight into the different personality types can be valuable in fostering more productive and fulfilling relationships.

Each Christian Coaching package can include your personal or a group DISC Personality Profile Assessment(s) and report(s).  

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Download your FREE GIFT NOW!

The 5 Best Ways to Rewrite Your Relationship with Yourself
- Written by Sandra Krug

This eBook is one of Sandra Krug's most popular publications available 
as a free download.

  • Recognize your emotions and feelings
  • Develop self-compassion 
  • Understand effective coping techniques
  • Find your passion 
  • Set your goals

What Ladies Are Saying*:

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Tina L.

"Coach Sandra has a tremendous amount of empathy and ability to care for others, respect for life, and compassion.

She is flexible and always willing to help.

Coach Sandra is caring, passionate, and consistent.

She has taught me how to be less selfish."


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Laurie H.

"Coach Sandra believes in doing what is right and just. She has the spirit of a caregiver. Coach Sandra goes above and beyond. She wants the best for everyone. I'm amazed at the hand she was dealt and what she has done with it. It proves that women have the power to create whatever life we want, despite the circumstances."


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Elizabeth L.

"I've been fortunate to work with Coach Sandra for several years. She has ample life experience for female pain-related cases. It is no surprise that she is a trusted helper to women. Coach Sandra understands complexities to get past the past. She has the ability to pinpoint issues and translate that with clarity while offering workable solutions."


*Note: Life Coaching results will vary from person to person. No individual result should be seen as typical.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7.

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Catch up with all the latest news and information from Coach Sandra.

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Spirit Wellness as the Backbone of Your Life

Are you seeking a deeper spiritual meaning for your life? You are not alone.

The chaotic demands of life in the 21st-century, coupled with a pandemic, have made many women feel disengaged.

Maybe you need a spiritual connection to bring a sense of balance and completion...

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How to Best Deal with Disappointment

Every woman faces disappointments in life, both big and small.

It is essential to accept our disappointments and not just ignore them.

But how do we do it effectively?

The answer rests in discovering constructive ways to accept disappointments...

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Four Ways to be Delighted in the Everyday Life

 Life is a beautiful journey. A journey that you only get the pleasure of enjoying once.

So, you must maximize your time on this earth by ensuring that you appreciate every single moment you can.

 It truly is those little things in life that bring us the most joy. ..


Proverbs 31:25 - "Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.

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